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These bots, like any medical assistant, have the capability of doing all the basic and mundane tasks of registering patient information, booking an appointment with doctors or labs and even managing test results while providing impeccable service.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used by many people in their daily lives, knowingly or unknowingly, services like voice command tools, navigation services like maps are some common uses of AI.Another important aspect where AI can be used in the healthcare segment is for the treatment of chronic diseases. The collection of data will give the healthcare industry the power to insights that can result in early detection, better care, and thus, improve patient longevity to a certain extent.With prospects galore, the use of AI can lead to incredible results that will bring a paradigm shift in the way doctors treat patients. Healthcare Sector. The 2030 vision of 1 lakh digital villages could further transform the way healthcare will be accessed and delivered.

The digitization of this process can assist in continuous monitoring of the patients’ status and administering the medication in patients. These examples by now would have given many of you an idea of the power of AI and the numerous possibilities it presents for impacting varied business sectors.com. The synergy between AI and telemedicine can bring forward a long term solution to address the problem of accessibility, cost, and quality. In fact, the popularity of chatbots gave way to voice bots, which is the next level of the bot era, wherein, after analysing various recordings, an algorithm is formed that has the capability of answering the basic questions pertaining to routine health issues and suggesting its cure on call.Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the original author. This also lessens the long call-waiting time for customers and is intelligent enough to transfer the call to a doctor, when it does not have a solution.By Ashish Gupta- CEO, Docprime. This can help offer 24/7 assistance for basic requests, improve customer service and productivity of the sector. Telemedicine or Telehealth is one such emerging field in the healthcare which is steadily gaining traction. It also provides secure customer support from the first step, wherein the patient interacts with an AI application through a chatbot on a website or an app. The sector has already started using AI in understanding and analysing medical data to facilitate better consumer experience by automating many of its processes.

To start with, many are using bots for customer service. Also, with Indian’s government’s initiative and promotion of digital technology, this sector with the support of telemedicine can reach out to remote areas to provide better healthcare to one and all. In a country like India where there is a huge disparity in the distribution of healthcare facilities and where there is an unfavourable doctor-patient ratio, which is further compounded by the rich-poor and urban-rural divide, an efficient tandem of telemedicine and AI will play a critical role.. The steady adaptability can act as a mediator in resolving the issue and making healthcare reachable and affordable to all. In case of communicable diseases, with the help of AI, certain patterns like the weather condition, wind speed, proximity to water bodies, pollution, or earlier outbreaks, can be observed by the machine to give intelligent insights that can further help in clinical decision making.Of the many industries that have successfully implemented and benefitted from the use of AI, provided by machine learning algorithms, there is one, in particular, that is looking to unceasingly leverage the limitless capabilities of the AI revolution, i.Worldwide valued at USD 38,046 million in 2018 and expected to grow at USD 103,897.e. This encouraging development will now open many avenues and areas for this technology to showcase its advantages and offerings for sectors across the board. With every fifth person in India suffering from such a condition, according to a 2018 study, keeping a hawk’s eye on early detection and fitting in regular monitoring is crucial.Looking at how AI is now going mainstream, it is no surprise that this tech innovation was one of the major highlights of the Interim Budget 2019, with the announcement of the government’s plan to launch a national program on AI by starting the National Centre for AI and further development of the National AI portal. These views and SHRP Weft Feeder opinions do not necessarily represent those of Deccan Chronicle and/or other staff and contributors to this site.AI has an immense potential to transform each vertical of the ever growing healthcare sector.