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Energy Firm of the Year.They employ eight million people


"I am very proud that this country gave me this opportunity," he said.The simplification of tax code would come out as a great boon for small family-owned businesses like his.Both Thakkar and Arora came to the US as students for studies and earned the pathway to citizenship through H-1B and Green Card.Washington: President Donald Trump has honoured Projectile looms two Indian-American businessmen in recognition of their small but significant contribution to the US economy."Simplifying the tax code would definitely help the minority businesses, he said.Praising Trump's new policies, Arora said businessmen like him need to spend more time on "business planning rather than tax planning.

With 25 years of experience in supplying natural health products to industry partners worldwide, NVL operates from a 95,000-sq ft facility in Miami, Florida."We're working to lift government barriers so that you can thrive, prosper, and grow," he said.The facility is equipped with a manufacturing practices system and fully automated packaging machinery that allows precision and error minimization, resulting in high speed production.Thakkar is president of Polymer Technologies, which is recipient of Minority Energy Firm of the Year.They employ eight million people, but only 22 per cent of them have 10 or more employees."So there's plenty of room to grow.Indian-Americans are making great contributions to the US economy, said Thakkar.9 per cent from the prior year.Based out of Florida, Arora is director of family-owned Natural Vitamin Labs, which is recipient of Minority Export Firm of the Year award.During his interaction with Thakkar and Arora along with other awardees inside the powerful Oval Office, Trump "congratulated all of us" and said he is "proud of" minority businesses and their contribution in creating jobs in the country. But we know that minority entrepreneurs are up to the task," he said.

"The tax reform, would not only simplify the process, but also put more money into businesses," Thakkar said.Arora moved to the US in 2000 for undergraduate studies from Mumbai.And these minority-owned businesses produced USD 1.Trump felicitated Sharad Thakkar and Karan Arora along with seven other owners of minority businesses in the Oval Office of the White House Tuesday..Arora said Trump's policies are reviving America's manufacturing base.Ross said nationwide, there are 996,246 minority-owned firms with paid employees last year, up 4.Based out of Ohio, Polymer Technologies works with plastic industry individuals to transform their throwaway scrap plastic into valuable raw material."The opportunities that we had have been fantastic, tremendous," he said.PTS has a proven track record of providing long-term solutions in automotive, home care, and lawn care product lines.In his remarks, Trump said his Administration is deeply committed to empowering minority business owners.1 trillion of annual revenue, he said."There is a big demand (globally) for US-made products, which have more value anywhere in the world," Arora said. Monday night, Thakkar and Arora received their respective awards from the Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross at an event in Detroit.Originally from Baroda, he came to the United States some 30 years ago