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A Japanese therapy says that drinking wate


The level of water decreases as we grow along. A three-month-old baby’s body is 70 per cent of water. While you can stay without food for 10-12 days, you cannot stay without water.


A Japanese therapy says that drinking water in the morning cures many diseases.Have you ever thought that water is not only important for survival but also helps in cooking healthy food and mixing a good cocktail drink? The truth is benefits of water are beyond expectation.A good summer cocktail can be had with sparkling water too. At the age of 40-45 our body has around 30 per cent water.He feels every natural mineral water brand is different.


He feels it’s important to have water in a bottle of glass and it’s strictly advisable to avoid plastic water bottles. While some are high on calcium others may weft accumulator parts have high amount of sodium.O. Both are healthy. A good quality glass is a very important and safe,” he says., you get the authentic flavour of food. If natural mineral water has high amount of sodium, it helps in making of a good fresh lime soda, explains Ganesh.


To have a good and healthy lifestyle, it is important you drink at least three litres of water daily.Water is a need. Many people might not do it but it is important for our health. It is a practice in Japan to drink water immediately after waking up every morning.


Ganesh Iyer, national sales director of Veen Waters and the only certified water sommelier in India has much to share about water’s purity and how we can use it for having a healthy lifestyle. Packaged drinking water kills the flavour of single malt that is the reason we mix mineral water with drinks, he adds.Another question that often arises is — why is mineral water important for cooking? Ganesh says, “When you mix natural mineral water or R.“As plastic gets exposed to heat and humidity it is more likely to contain toxins.”The same goes for alcohol too